I am currently a college student majoring in Environmental Planning. Aquaponics intrigues me greatly, and I am considering the possibility of a greenhouse aquaponics business when I graduate. For now, I am experimenting with different possibilities for my system. This is the story of my experiment.
Aquaponics offers the incredible opportunity for both hydroponic food production as well as aquaculture food production. Independently, these two processes can be tremendously environmentally destructive due to their waste streams. Together, with the help of natural processes, we can use one proccess to eliminated the waste stream of the other. It's a beautiful dance of symbiosis that deserves a good hard look considering the current unsustainable state of food production and the extensive damage we have done to our own Great Lakes fisheries.
It is my firm belief that food production CAN be sustainable, and the production of absolutely NO food should ever have a need for a hazmat permit. I hope that one day this can become a reality.